Recipe 4 All: BEEF BURGUNDY Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: BEEF BURGUNDY Recipe


Yield: 8 servings
3lb Beef-rump or round;
3teaspoon Rendered beef fat
3cups Minced onion
1cups Chopped celery
1  Garlic clove - minced
2tablespoon Dried basil
1/8teaspoon Thyme
1teaspoon Ground cloves
3cups Beef stock
½cups Flour
2tablespoon Minced parsley
2cups Burgundy wine

Sear beef in hot fat; remove; add onion and celery sauteing until lightly tender; add garlic and cook to aroma; add all ingredients and reserved beef; cook on a very slow fire until beef is tender; serve over hot buttered noodles. The Red Mill Inn, Williamsville, New York

Your BEEF BURGUNDY is ready. Happy cooking!

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