Recipe 4 All: Baby Routh's Rosemary Muffins with Goat Cheese Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Baby Routh's Rosemary Muffins with Goat Cheese Recipe

Baby Routh's Rosemary Muffins with Goat Cheese

Yield: 12 servings
¾cups Milk
¾cups Golden raisins
1tablespoon Chopped fresh rosemary
¼cups Unsalted butter
cups All-purpose flour
½cups Sugar
2teaspoon Baking powder
¼teaspoon Salt
1lg Egg
8tablespoon Goat cheese

Rosemary, golden rasins, and a creamy goat cheese center make these muffins taste so special. Carla Wood, sous chef and butcher at Baby Routh in Dallas serves them with wild game, lamb, or pork dishes or with a festive luncheon salad.

saucepan for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, add butter and stir until melted. Let cool.

Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl. Beat egg into cooked milk mixture. Add to dry ingredients and mix lightly just until dry ingredients are moistened. Spoon 1/3 of the batter into 12 greased muffin cups. Place 2 teaspoons of goat cheee in center of batter in each cup. Cover cheese with remaining batter, dividing among each of the muffins. Bake approximately 20 minutes in a preheated 350 degree F oven, or until brown and springy in the center.

Serve muffins hot or cool. If desired, a ¾-inch cube of cream cheese may be substituted for goat cheese. Without cheese, muffins are still delicious!

Your Baby Routh's Rosemary Muffins with Goat Cheese is ready. Good luck!

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