Recipe 4 All: Blazing Cranberry Pie Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Blazing Cranberry Pie Recipe

Blazing Cranberry Pie

Yield: 6 Servings
½cups Seedless Raisins
¾cups Water
4cups (1Lb)Cranberries
cups Sugar
  Pastry for 2-crust
  8 or 9 inch pie
  Sugar Cubes
  Lemon Extract

Several hours ahead: In saucepan, place raisins and cranberries and water; soak for 20 minutes. Meanwhile wash and pick over cranberries. Add cranberries and sugar to the raisins and cook, covered, until skins burst (about 10 minutes). Cool. Start heating oven to 425 Degrees F. Roll out bottom crust of pie; fit into pieplate, set aside. Roll out top crust, cut into ½ inch strips for lattice top. Fill lined pie plate with cooked cranberry filling; on top arrange strips to make lattice top. Flute edges. Bake 30 minutes, or until crust is well brown. Serve slightly warm. To Flame: Dot several open spaces with sugar cubes dipped in lemon extract; light with match. Serve at once as is or with vanilla icecream . Out of Good House 315-786-1120

Your Blazing Cranberry Pie is ready. Buon appetito!

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