Recipe 4 All: CHICKEN SLICES with PINEAPPLE Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: CHICKEN SLICES with PINEAPPLE Recipe


Yield: 2 Servings
¾lb Chicken meat, sliced
½teaspoon Chinese cooking wine
1teaspoon Light soy sauce
3  Green onions, cut into 1-
  Inch lenghts
½teaspoon Minced garlic
½teaspoon Minced ginger
  Sesame oil
1sm Green pepper, cut in squares
1sm Red pepper, cut in squares
8oz Pineapple chunks
¼teaspoon Salt
1tablespoon Cornstarch
¼cups Water
½tablespoon Soy sauce
  Pinch of sugar

Marinate chicken in the Chinese cooking wine and light soy sauce, mixed together. Heat wok or large frying pan, brown green onion, garlic and ginger in a few drops of sesame oil; add chicken and saute until meat changes color. Put in all vegetables, sprinkle with ¼ teaspoon salt, and stir fry for 4 minutes. When chicken is done, make sauce mixture of cornstarch, water, ½ tablespoon soy sauce, pinch sugar and a few drops of sesame oil. Add to chicken and bring to a boil. Mix well and serve with hot rice.

Your CHICKEN SLICES with PINEAPPLE is ready. Good luck!

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