Recipe 4 All: Chicken in Salsa Verde Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Chicken in Salsa Verde Recipe

Chicken in Salsa Verde

Yield: 6 Servings
2teaspoon Canola oil
1lb Chicken pieces, skinned,
½  Onion, chopped
1  Garlic clove, minced
1lb Fresh or 12 ounces canned
3  Whole roasted green chilies,
½cups Apple juice
1tablespoon Fresh chopped cilantro

Spray a non-stick skillet with vegetable cooking spray. Heat oil and saute chicken. Add onion and garlic, stirring until limp. Add remaining ingredients. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer about 15 minutes.

Your Chicken in Salsa Verde is ready. Buon appetito!

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