Recipe 4 All: Chile con Queso Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Chile con Queso Recipe

Chile con Queso

Yield: 2 servings
1cups Cheese; Shredded *
4oz Green Chiles; **
¼cups Half & Half
2tablespoon Onion; Finely Chopped
2teaspoon Cumin; Ground
½teaspoon Salt
* Use either Cheddar or Montery Jack Cheese (4 oz)

** Use 1 4-oz can of chopped green chiles, drained.

Heat all ingredients over low heat, stirring constantly, until the cheese is melted. Serve warm with tortilla chips. Makes 1¼ cups dip.

Your Chile con Queso is ready. Good luck!

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