Recipe 4 All: Chocolate Chunk Brownies Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Chocolate Chunk Brownies Recipe

Chocolate Chunk Brownies

Yield: 24 Servings
cups All-purpose flour
¼teaspoon Baking soda
1/8teaspoon Double acting baking powder
1/8teaspoon Salt
14oz Semisweet chocolate; finely
1cups Granulated sugar
9tablespoon Unsalted butter; cut
¼cups Light corn syrup
¼cups Water
3lg Eggs; chilled
1tablespoon Vanilla extract
cups Coarsely chopped walnut;
9oz Swiss dark chocolate; cut

Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 325 degrees F. Line a 13-by-9½-inch baking pan with a double thickness of aluminum foil overhang down along the sides of the pan. Butter the bottom of the foil-lin pan. In a medium bowl, stir together the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Place the semisweet chocolate in a large bowl. In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar, butter, corn syrup and water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the butter melts, the sugar is dissolved and the mixture comes to a boil. Remov the pan from the heat and pour the hot syrup over the chocolate. Let the mixture stand for 1 to 2 minutes, to melt the chocolate. Whisk until smooth One at a time, whisk in the eggs, blending until smooth. Whisk in the vani spatula, fold in 1 cup of the walnuts and 6 ounces of the Swiss chocolate chunks. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and spread it evenly with a spatul Sprinkle the remaining ½ cup of walnuts and 3 ounces of chocolate chunks over the top of the batter. Bake the brownies for 40 to 50 minutes, or unti with a few moist crumbs clinging to it. Cool the brownies in the pan set on a wire rack. When the brownies are completely cool, cover the pan of brownies with plastic wrap and let the brownies set at room temperature for at least 6 hours or overnight. Invert the brownies onto a large plate or cutting board. Remove the pan an carefully peel off the foil. Invert again onto a smooth cutting surface and cut into 24 bars. Store the brownies at room temperature in an airtight container for up to five days.

Your Chocolate Chunk Brownies is ready. Bon appetit!

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