Recipe 4 All: Chocolate-Cream-Popcorn Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Chocolate-Cream-Popcorn Recipe


Yield: 2 Quarts
2qt Popped Corn
1cups Sugar
½cups Water
1/3cups Cornsyrup
¼teaspoon Salt
3tablespoon Margarine
1/3cups Chocolate pieces
1teaspoon Vanilla extract

1. Lightly grease large bowl; in it, place popped corn. 2. In saucepan, mix sugar, water, corn syrup and salt. 3. Cook over moderate heat to 240 degrees F on candy- thermometer. 4. Add marggarine; when it is melted; add chocolate. 5. Stir in vanilla. Slowly pour hot syrup over popped corn, stirring constantly with two forks. Continue stirring until corn is coated and syrup loses its gloss. 6. When mixture is cool; store in tightly covered containers. Out of Good Housekeeping Christmas cookbook

Your Chocolate-Cream-Popcorn is ready. Bon appetit!

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