Recipe 4 All: Cold Shredded Vegetables with Chicken Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Cold Shredded Vegetables with Chicken Recipe

Cold Shredded Vegetables with Chicken

Yield: 4 Servings
2lg Leeks
3  Green onions
2sm Zucchini
2sm Carrots
2  Long "seedless type"
1  Long white radish
2  Wood ear black fungus
1  Egg
1tablespoon Peanut oil
½cups Cooked chicken meat
2md Tomatoes
1teaspoon Juice of ginger root
1teaspoon Dry mustard
2teaspoon Sugar
tablespoon Thin soy sauce
tablespoon Sesame oil
teaspoon Chinkiang vinegar
1tablespoon Freshly squeezed tomato

Prepare Dressing: In mixing bowl, mix mustard and sugar; gradually add thin soy sauce, blend to avoid lumping. Squeeze some peeled ginger root through a garlic press to extract juice. Squeeze juice from tomato. Add other sauce ingredients; stir well and set aside.

Prepare salad: Wash, then soak, wood ear fungus in 3 cups warm water for 1 hour. Beat egg; fry very thin omelet in large skillet greased with peanut oil. Fry both sides gently. Set aside to cool.

Trim leeks, green onions, zucchini, carrots and white radish. Cut ends off cucumber, but don't peel. Peel carrots and radish. Shred vegetables with shredder or cleaver. Wash tomatoes and cut each into eighths. Shred chicken with fingers. Thinly slice omelet into strips. Pour boiling water over fungus and drain. Cut out hard center and cut floppy ears into thin strips.

Finish: Layer shredded vegetables in center of serving plate, mounding slightly as you build layers of cucumber, carrot, chicken, fungus, zucchini, egg, leeks, radish, green onion and so on, ending with cucumber. Arrange tomato wedges around outer edge. Working from center of vegetable mound, arrange egg strips like spokes of a wheel. Add dressing and serve.

Serves 4. Happy Charring

Your Cold Shredded Vegetables with Chicken is ready. Good luck!

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