Recipe 4 All: Crab-Topped Shrimp Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Crab-Topped Shrimp Recipe

Crab-Topped Shrimp

Yield: 2 Servings
12  Large shrimp *
2tablespoon Sliced green onion
1tablespoon Butter or margarine
1teaspoon Lemon juice
1  Dash bottled hotpepper sauce
oz Canned crab meat **
2tablespoon Fine dry bread crumbs
1  Lemon wedges
* Shrimp may either be fresh or frozen.
** Crab meat should be
drained, flaked, and cartilage removed.

Thaw large shrimp, if fozen. To shell fresh or thawed shrimp, open each shell lengthwise down the body. Hold the shrimp in one hand and carefully peel back the shell starting with the head end. Gently pull on the tail portion of the shell to remove the entire the way through; remove vein. Repeat with remaining shrimp. Set aside. In a small nonmetal bowl, micro-cook sliced green onion and the butter or margarine, uncovered, on 100% power for 1½ to 2 minutes or till the green onion is tender. Stir in lemon juice and bottled hot pepper sauce. Toss with the flaked crab meat and fine dry bread crumbs. Spread shrimp open. Place, cut side up, in two 10-ounce oval casseroles. Cover with vented clear plastic wrap. Micro-cook, covered, on 100% power for 1½ minutes, rotating the casseroles a half-turn once. Drain off liquid and rearrange shrimp, placing the least-cooked portions to the outside of the casseroles. Spoon crab mixture over shrimp. Micro-cook, covered, on 100% power about 2½ minutes or till shrimp are done and crab mixture is heated through, rotating the casseroles a half-turn once. Serve with lemon wedges.

Your Crab-Topped Shrimp is ready. Happy cooking!

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