Recipe 4 All: Crockpot Chicken Cacciatore (Pjxg05a) 1i27 Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Crockpot Chicken Cacciatore (Pjxg05a) 1i27 Recipe

Crockpot Chicken Cacciatore (Pjxg05a) 1i27

Yield: 4 Servings
2  Med Onions; peeled, sliced t
3lb Chicken; cut up
2cups Garlic; minced
1cups Tomatoes; 16 oz
1cups Tomato sauce; 8 oz
1teaspoon Salt
¼teaspoon Pepper
teaspoon Dried oregano; crushed
½teaspoon Dried basil; crushed
1  Bay leaf
¼cups Dry white wine
  Spaghetti; cooked

Place onions in slow cooker. On top of onions place chicken pieces, garlic, tomatoes, tomato sauce, salt, pepper, herbs and wine. Cover pot. Cook on low 6 to 8 hours, or high 3 to 4 hours. Serve chicken with its sauce on spaghetti which you have prepared. Leisure Living Guide to Slow Cooking. Judy Garnett/NC PJXG05A

Your Crockpot Chicken Cacciatore (Pjxg05a) 1i27 is ready. Good luck!

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