Recipe 4 All: Curing of Home-Grown Olives, Greek Style Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Curing of Home-Grown Olives, Greek Style Recipe

Curing of Home-Grown Olives, Greek Style

Yield: 1 servings

If you own an olive tree and do not want to go through the complicated process of leaching olives with chemicals, follow one of these ancient Greek methods to get rid of the bitterness.

SALTING METHOD: Place washed olives in a wicker basket or a plastic container with holes. Cover with medium-coarse salt. Set basket in sun and protect with a cheesecloth cover. Twice a day for a week, toss olives to redistribute them, until the bitter fluid is drawn from them. Bring olives in at night to prevent mold.

WATER METHOD: Cover washed olives with a solution of salt water - 1 cup salt to each quart water - in a crock or glass jar. Place a weight, such as a small plate or washed rock, to keep olives submerged. Olives may remain in this brine for months. Marinate in Olive Marinade before serving.

Your Curing of Home-Grown Olives, Greek Style is ready. Bon appetit!

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