Recipe 4 All: Date Roll Candy (Ballard) Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Date Roll Candy (Ballard) Recipe

Date Roll Candy (Ballard)

Yield: 24 servings
2cups Sugar
1cups Milk
1cups Dates
1cups Walnuts (chopped)
1teaspoon Vanilla

Cook the sugar and milk to soft-ball stage, then add the dates. Stir constantly until candy rolls away from pan. Add the walnuts and vanilla. Wring a cloth out in hot water, spread it out and pour the candy on it. Roll in a long slim loaf. Remove cloth and slice when cold.

From the Kitchen of: Irene Ballard (Alvadore Christian Church

Your Date Roll Candy (Ballard) is ready. Buon appetito!

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