Recipe 4 All: Deluxe Camp Chili with Jerky Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Deluxe Camp Chili with Jerky Recipe

Deluxe Camp Chili with Jerky

Yield: 1 servings
6oz Jerky
3tablespoon Oil
1teaspoon Whole cumin seed
4tablespoon Chili powder
1teaspoon Onion flakes
1teaspoon Oregano
½teaspoon Cumin (powdered)
¼teaspoon Garlic powder
  Water as needed
  Flour for thickening

Cut jerky into small, bite-sized pieces, remembering it will swell. In a heavy pot, simmer jerky and cumin seeds gently in moderately hot fat/oil for one to two minutes, stirring steadily to prevent burning. Add chili powder and continue to stir until well mixed. (Amount of chili powder will depend on the hotness of the jerky and your taste.)Add onion flakes, oregano, powdered cumin, garlic powder, and enough water to cover generously. Stir. Simmer one to two hours, adding water as the jerky takes it up. Allow chili to cool, and reheat before serving. If a thicker chili is prefered, add a little flour mixed to a paste with hot liquid from the pot and cook to desired consistency, stirring frequently. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Chances are no salt will be needed at all, since there will probably be enough in the jerky. FROM the Great American Chili Book

Your Deluxe Camp Chili with Jerky is ready. Happy cooking!

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