Recipe 4 All: Gluehwein  (Hot Spiced Wine) Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Gluehwein  (Hot Spiced Wine) Recipe

Gluehwein (Hot Spiced Wine)

Yield: 1 servings
Donauland kochbuch; kofranek
1cups White or red wine
5  Sugar cubes, or to taste
1  Whole clove
1sm Piece lemon peel

Combine all ingredients and heat, barely to boiling point. Pour into a pre-warmed glass, wrap glass in a napkin, and serve immediately.

[Note: We did this one for a Christmas party one time and used a crockpot to keep it at the right temperature. Worked just fine - but it's best then to put the spices in a cheesecloth bag (or some such) as they must be removed, else the whole thing eventually turns bitter. K.B.]

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Your Gluehwein (Hot Spiced Wine) is ready. Bon appetit!

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