Recipe 4 All: Guacomole Dip or Salad Dressing Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Guacomole Dip or Salad Dressing Recipe

Guacomole Dip or Salad Dressing

Yield: 2 Cups
1lg Avocado; peeled & mashed
1tablespoon Lemon juice
1teaspoon Onion; finely minced
1/8teaspoon Cayenne pepper
2tablespoon Tomato bits
3tablespoon Miracle Whip (or more)

Use a ripe avocado. After mashing, immediately add lemon juice. Onions must be very, very finely minced. Add enough cayenne to make the taste sharp, not hot. Add only enough Miracle Whip Salad Dressing for smoothness. To use as a salad dressing, add more Miracle Whip.

This recipe taken from: IT NEVER TURNS OUT THE SAME WAY COOKBOOK A Collection of Recipes from the Kitchen of Joyce & Clem Kohl.

Your Guacomole Dip or Salad Dressing is ready. Bon appetit!

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