Recipe 4 All: Hearty Garlic Bread Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Hearty Garlic Bread Recipe

Hearty Garlic Bread

Yield: 1 servings
1tablespoon Dry yeast
1cups Warm water
3tablespoon Vegetable oil
1teaspoon Salt
¼teaspoon Sugar
3cups White flour
12  Garlic cloves, pressed

In a deep bowl, dissolve the yeast in water. Add oil, salt & sugar. Beat in half the flour & the pressed garlic. Add the rest of the flour slowly, working it in as you go. Using your fingers, squeeze the dough together.

Bang the dough down hard on the kneading board. Form into an oval & place on an oiled pan. Let rise for a while in a warm place.

Preheat oven to 375F & bake for 45 to 55 minutes.

Anne Lerner, "Breads you Wouldn't Believe"

Your Hearty Garlic Bread is ready. Happy cooking!

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