Recipe 4 All: Hollandaise Sauce - Adventures in Microwave Cooking Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Hollandaise Sauce - Adventures in Microwave Cooking Recipe

Hollandaise Sauce - Adventures in Microwave Cooking

Yield: 1 servings
¼cups (½ stick) butter or
¼cups Half-and-half
2  Egg yolks, beaten
1tablespoon Lemon juice or vinegar
¼teaspoon Salt
  Dash ground red pepper

1. Melt butter in a 1-quart glass measuring pitcher in microwave oven (about 1 minute at High). Add half-and-half, egg yolks, lemon juice, salt and red pepper; mix thoroughly. Cook uncovered 2-½ minutes at Medium, or until sauce is thickened; stir.

2. Remove from oven and beat until light.

Yield: ¾ cup

Your Hollandaise Sauce - Adventures in Microwave Cooking is ready. Buon appetito!

Related recipes: Sauce, Microwave, Butter, Egg yolk, Lemon juice

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