Recipe 4 All: Ice-Water Pickles Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Ice-Water Pickles Recipe

Ice-Water Pickles

Yield: 5 servings
3lb 4-inch Cucumbers
5  Med. Onions
1tablespoon Mustard Seed
1qt Cider Vinegar
1cups Sugar
2teaspoon Pickling Salt

Wash the cucumbers, quarter them lengthwise, and soak them in ice-water for 2 hours. Peel and slice the onions and pack them in the bottoms of 5 pint jars. Pack the cucumbers lengthwise in the jars. Combine the mustard seed, vinegar, sugar and salt, bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute. Fill the jars to overflowing with the boiling-hot syrup and seal. Makes 5 pints.

Your Ice-Water Pickles is ready. Good luck!

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