Recipe 4 All: Joe's Quick Auction Chili Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Joe's Quick Auction Chili Recipe

Joe's Quick Auction Chili

Yield: 1 Batch
  Vegetable oil
2cl Garlic, chopped
lb Ground sirloin
1  8 oz can pinto beans,drained
1can Baked beans, 12 oz.
1can Chopped tomatoes, 8 oz.
1md Green pepper, chopped
2teaspoon Chili powder
½teaspoon Oregano
½teaspoon Basil

Note: If you are really in a hurry, you can substitute one 12 oz jar of a prepared spicy Italian sauce for the chopped tomatoes and green pepper; add spices to taste.

In a large pot, heat vegetable oil and brown garlic; add sirloin, brown and pour off excess oil. Stir in remaining ingredients, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Serve with corn muffins.

This is a recipe from -Apple Sass Country Cooking

Your Joe's Quick Auction Chili is ready. Buon appetito!

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