Recipe 4 All: Microwave Berry Jam Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Microwave Berry Jam Recipe

Microwave Berry Jam

Yield: 2 Half pints
2pt Berries; Raspberries,
3cups Sugar

Place berries in an 8 cup measuring bowl or larger microwave-safe bowl and crush lightly. Stir in the sugar and let stand 5 minutes. Cover the container with plastic wrap and turn back a corner of the plastic so steam can escape. Microwave on HIGH (100%) 4-5 minutes, or until the mixture has come to a boil. Continue to microwave on MEDIUM (50%) for 8 minutes.

(Caution, this can boil over easily. If your microwave oven has no glass dish on the bottom, place the bowl on a plate to catch any juices.) Remove plastic wrap and cook on MEDIUM (50%) for 8 minutes more.

To test the jam, dip a spoon in the mixture. Run your finger through the mixture on the back of the spoon. If it leaves a distinct trail without closing in on itself, the jam is done. To double check, spoon a bit on a small saucer and place it in the freezer for 1 minute. It should have a jamlike consistency. If the jam needs more cooking, microwave on MEDIUM (50%) for a few more minutes. Store in the refrigerator.

Shadow Zone IV - Stinson Beach, CA

Your Microwave Berry Jam is ready. Happy cooking!

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