Recipe 4 All: North Carolina Chopped Barbecued Pork Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: North Carolina Chopped Barbecued Pork Recipe

North Carolina Chopped Barbecued Pork

Yield: 3 Servings
lb Pork shoulder roast
½teaspoon Salt
½teaspoon Celery seed
1/16teaspoon Cinnamon, ground
3/16cups Vinegar, cider
¼cups Catsup
¼teaspoon Chili powder
¼teaspoon Nutmeg, ground
¼teaspoon Sugar
½cups Water
  Vinegar, cider; to taste
  Sauce, Tabasco; to taste

Brown roast in a small amount of fat and place in a Dutch oven. Mix the next 9 ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour over roast and cover. Bake in a preheated 325^ oven, 40 minutes to the pound, until done, basting occasionally with drippings.

Transfer roast to a chopping board. Remove meat from the bone and chop into fairly fine pieces. Season to taste with additional vinegar and hot sauce. Serve hot with coleslaw and corn bread.

Sylvia's comments: I found some stew pork marked WAY down, bought several packages ($.99/lb!) and stuck them in the freezer. Then I put all the ingredients, including the still-frozen pork, in the crockpot this morning. Tonight it was done, I just mashed up the meat with a fork and knife and served it over rice. The vinegar produces a very interesting taste. However, it came out kind of soupy; next time I'll leave out the water and increase the catsup.

This is the most popular barbecue dish in North Carolina, and, as far as we know, it is indigenous to that state.

FROM: Spoonbread and Strawberry Wine

Apple's comments: I made this for supper tonight and it is GOOD! :)


Your North Carolina Chopped Barbecued Pork is ready. Happy cooking!

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