Recipe 4 All: Onion Roasted Potatoes Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Onion Roasted Potatoes Recipe

Onion Roasted Potatoes

Yield: 4 servings
1package Lipton Recipe Secrets Onion
2lb Potatoes, all purpose
2tablespoon Olive Oil
1g PAM spray

Scrub potatoes. Cut unpeeled into large hunks. (inch to inch & one half cubes) Larger hunks will have to bake a bit longer

In large bowl, add all ingredients. Toss in bowl until potatoes are evenly coated.

Spray pan well with PAM. Empty potatoes into shallow baking pan. Bake 450 degrees 40 minutes or until tender and golden brown .

Be sure to stir with flat spatula at least twice. There will be crisp bits each time you stir.

MMCONV vers. 1.50

Your Onion Roasted Potatoes is ready. Bon appetit!

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