Recipe 4 All: Other Helpful Hints Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Other Helpful Hints Recipe

Other Helpful Hints

Yield: 1 Info
  No ingredients

INGREDIENTS: Use butter or regular margarine in sticks. Do not use butter or margarine produced in tubs or squeeze bottles in baking. Do not use margarine type of products labeled "spread." They will not perform in the same way as butter or margarine and are not generally substitutable.

Use all-purpose flour that has not been sifted in these recipes. If an old recipe calls for sifted flour, remove two tablespoons flour per cup instead of sifting.

BAKING: Preheat oven for 5 minutes before baking.

Place baking pans or cookie sheets in the center of the oven for best air circulation. This will help to avoid hot spots in the oven which could cause burning.

EQUIPMENT: Hershey Kitchens' baking recipes are developed with shiny metal baking pans (pies are in glass pie plates). If you use dark metal baking pans, your baking time may be slightly less. If you use insulated bakeware, your baking time may be slightly longer. If you use glass baking dishes, lower your oven temperature 25'F.

Your Other Helpful Hints is ready. Good luck!

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