Recipe 4 All: Polish Kielbasa Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Polish Kielbasa Recipe

Polish Kielbasa

Yield: 1 Servings
6  Feet large (2-½-inch
3lb Lean pork butt, cubed
1lb Lean beef chuck, cubed
½lb Veal, cubed
½lb Pork fat, cubed
teaspoon Salt, or to taste
3teaspoon Finely ground black pepper
2teaspoon Ground marjoram
2teaspoon Ground summer savory
½teaspoon Ground allspice
3  Cloves garlic, finely
2tablespoon Sweet paprika

"Recipes for this sausage are so variable that what passes for kielbasa in one area might be regarded as not authentic in another. The ingredients and pronunciation of kielbasa are as variable as are the vagaries of the spring weather, the time of year when kielbasa is traditionally made. This version uses pork, beef, and veal and makes five pounds."

1. Prepare the casings.

2. Grind the meats and fat together through the coarse disk.

3. Mix the remaining ingredients with the meat.

4. Stuff the casings and leave the sausage in long links. Lengths of eighteen inches to two feet are traditional.

5. Allow the sausage to dry in a cool place for three or four hours or refrigerate for twenty-four hours uncovered.

sausages are also excellent grilled over a charcoal fire and eaten in a Kaiser roll, lathered with a spicy brown mustard.

From: Rich Harper

Your Polish Kielbasa is ready. Happy cooking!

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