Recipe 4 All: President Nixon's Diet Special Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: President Nixon's Diet Special Recipe

President Nixon's Diet Special

Yield: 1 servings
1lg Scoop low-fat cottage cheese
3  To 4 Rye Crisp crackers
1  Hard-boiled egg, cut into
½  Fresh tomato, cut into
¼  Cucumber, thinly sliced
¼  Green pepper, seeded and
¼  Fresh pineapple, diced
½  Fresh peach, peeled and
¼  Fresh papaya, peeled and

lettuce leaves, washed and well dried

1. Arrange lettuce on individual serving plate.

2. Mound cottage cheese in center, and set crackers around edges; encircle with vegetables or fruits. Plain cottage cheese can also be enlivened with a variety of other fresh vegetables, raw or lightly steamed, and fruits, fresh or canned (without added sugar).

Serves 1 weight watcher.

Henry Haller with Virginia Aronson, Random House, New York. 1987. ISBN

Your President Nixon's Diet Special is ready. Good luck!

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