Recipe 4 All: Processor Hollandaise Sauce Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Processor Hollandaise Sauce Recipe

Processor Hollandaise Sauce

Yield: 4 servings
½  Juice from ½ lemon
1  Pinch salt
1  Pinch of white pepper
½cups Melted butter
½cups Corn oil or peanut oil

Place lemon juice, egg, salt and pepper in bowl of food processor. Blend for 1 to 3 seconds. Add butter while still running, then add corn or peanut oil. Blend in processor for 20 seconds until smooth and uniform Variations: Mouseline sauce: As per Hollandaise and fold in ½ cup of heavy cream(beaten to stiffen) Figaro sauce: As per Hollandaise and blend in 2 tbsp of tomato puree and 1 tbsp minced parsley. Mustard Hollandaise: As per Hollandaise and blend in 2 tbsp dijon mustard. Maltaise Sauce: As per Hollandaise and stir in ½ tsp finely grated orange rind. All very good sauces for seafood or vegetables

Your Processor Hollandaise Sauce is ready. Bon appetit!

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