Recipe 4 All: Raspberry Creme Brulee Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Raspberry Creme Brulee Recipe

Raspberry Creme Brulee

Yield: 6 servings
2cups Milk; non-fat
2tablespoon Dry milk powder; non-fat
¾cups Egg substitute
1/3cups Sugar
1teaspoon Vanilla extract
30  Raspberries; fresh
3teaspoon Sugar

Preheat oven to 325. Gradually stir milk into milk powder. Stir in egg sub

Place 5 raspberries in bottom of each of six 6-oz custard cups. Top with c

Chill. Sprinkle ½ t sugar over top of each custard and place cups on bak

Per serving: 141 cal, 127 mg sodium, 2 mg cholesterol, 2 g fat, 13% of cal

Your Raspberry Creme Brulee is ready. Good luck!

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