Recipe 4 All: Sauerbraten Meatballs Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Sauerbraten Meatballs Recipe

Sauerbraten Meatballs

Yield: 4 servings
1  Recipe of Basic Meatballs; *
1tablespoon Brown Sugar
1teaspoon Instant Beef Bouillon
¼teaspoon Cloves; Ground
1/8teaspoon Pepper
1  Bay Leaf
¼cups Vinegar
1/3cups Raisins; Optional
6  Gingersnaps; **
* See Recipe 12.

** Break the gingersnaps into small pieces.

Prepare the basic meatball recipe. Combine the cooked meatballs and the remaining ingredients in a large skillet. Heat to boiling, stirring occasionally, then reduce the heat. Cover and simmer about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the bay leaf and serve over mashed potatoes.

Your Sauerbraten Meatballs is ready. Buon appetito!

Related recipes: Ground beef, Main dish, Meatballs, Meats

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