Recipe 4 All: Spiced Somerset Carrots Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Spiced Somerset Carrots Recipe

Spiced Somerset Carrots

Yield: 4 servings
1lb Carrots, scrubbed
1oz Margarine
3oz Cider
3oz Water
1teaspoon Rosemary
1teaspoon Mustard powder

Dice the carrots. Melt the margarine in a small pot, add carrots & cook over a gentle heat for 5 minutes. Pour in the cider & water. Add the rosemary & mustard. Bring to a boil & simmer covered for 10 minutes. Add more liquid if necessary. When the carrots are tender, put them in a warmed serving dish & continue to cook the sauce till it is thickened & syrupy. Pour over the carrots & serve straight away.

Sarah Brown "Vegetarian Kitchen"

Your Spiced Somerset Carrots is ready. Good luck!

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