Recipe 4 All: Thai Red Curry Paste. Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Thai Red Curry Paste. Recipe

Thai Red Curry Paste.

Yield: 10 servings
9  Dry Red Chili Peppers.
½cups Shallots, peeled and sliced
¼cups Garlics, chopped.
2tablespoon Galanga root, cut to strips.
¼cups Lemon grass, sliced.
1tablespoon Kaffir lime rind, cut fine.
2tablespoon Coriander seeds.
1tablespoon Fennel seeds.
1tablespoon Kapi (shrimp/fish paste).
2teaspoon Salt.
2teaspoon Peppers.

Cut open dry red chili pods. Discard seeds, and soak in water for a few minutes.

Put all ingredients in a mortar and pound till mixed finely.

Your Thai Red Curry Paste. is ready. Bon appetit!

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