Recipe 4 All: Polish Sausage and Cabbage Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: Polish Sausage and Cabbage Recipe

Polish Sausage and Cabbage

Yield: 4 Servings
½  Cabbage head; course sliced
1  Potato; small; peeled/diced
1teaspoon Salt
½teaspoon Caraway seed
1  Large onion ; cut 1" slices
lb Polish sausage; cut 1" piece
14oz Chicken broth

Place sliced cabbage in crockpot. Toss with diced potato, salt and caraway seed. Add sliced onion and Polish sausage. Pour chicken broth over all; stir lightly. Cover and cook on Low setting for 8 to 10 hours (on HIGH setting for 2 to 4 hours). This dish is delicious served with mustard, horseradish and boiled new potatoes. Makes 4 servings (about 3½ quarts). Formatted from Rival Crock-Pot Cooking, March 1992... From Robbie Shelton's Database

Your Polish Sausage and Cabbage is ready. Buon appetito!

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