Recipe 4 All: VARIETY COLESLAW Recipe — Every recipe in the World on this site.

Recipe 4 All: VARIETY COLESLAW Recipe


Yield: 4 servings
2cups Shredded cabbage
1md Carrot, chopped or grated
2tablespoon Green pepper, chopped
¼cups Boiled dressing, diet*
2tablespoon Plain yogurt
½  Apple, chopped or
1/3cups Drained, unsw. pineapple ch
2tablespoon Raisins
* refers to a dressing made with artificial sweetener

Combine cabbage, carrot and green pepper in a bowl. Combine dressing
with yogurt. Add apple or pineapple or raisins to cabbage mixture.
Pour on dressing and mix gently.

Each serving about ½ cup
1 Fruit & Veg Choice 8 g carbohydrate, 2 g protein, 1 g fat
(49 calories)

Source Choice Cooking, Canadian Diabetes Association Shared by
Elizabeth Rodier, 5/93

----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05

Title: Baja Chicken Pasta Salad
Categories: Poultry, Low-cal, Mexican, Vegetables, Salads
Yield: 6 servings

¾ lb Chicken Breast;
6 oz Dried Mixed Fruit;
1 c Ring Macaroni Or Orzo; Raw
1 c Jicama; Cubed
2 Green Onions/Tops; Sliced
½ c Mayonnaise Or Salad Dressing
2 tb Sour Cream Or Plain Yogurt
1 t Red Chiles; Ground
¼ t Salt

* The chicken breast should be boneless, skinless and weigh
about ¾
** You should use 1 6-oz package of diced mixed fruit.
There should

Heat enough salted water to cover the chicken breast (¼ tsp salt to 1 cup of water) to boiling in a 4 quart Dutch oven. Add the chicken breast. Cover and heat to boiling, reduce the heat and simmer until the chicken is done, about 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the chicken with a slotted spoon. Heat the water to boiling and add the fruit and ring macaroni or orzo gradually so that the water continues to boil. Boil, uncovered, stirring occasionally, just until the ring macaroni is tender, about 6 to 8 minutes or 10 minutes for the orzo, then drain. Rinse with cold water and drain again. Cut the chicken into ½-inch pieces and mix with the fruit, macaroni, jicama and onions. Mix the remaining ingredients and toss with the chicken mixture. Cover and refrigerate until chilled, at least 2 hours.

Your VARIETY COLESLAW is ready. Buon appetito!

Related recipes: Salads, Low-cal

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